Shot by the talented Michael Hughes

Knit by Lilya (shop here)
Skirt by COTE (shop here)
Intimates by Calvin Klein (shop here)
Necklace by Moxham (shop here)

After spending the bottom half of the week between doctors and bed, I spent my saturday trying to get rid of a headache, sleeping in the car while Michael shot a project and watching F1 then headed out to shoot this week's outfit before we lost the sun. A couple of minutes in - we lost the sun. 

As I spoke about my delicate jewellery last week I thought it was only fitting to talk about my other favourite type of jewellery - the statement. This MOXHAM Marlowe neck piece I have loved ever since I laid eyes on it in the gold. When I found it came in silver I jumped for joy - not only is it the perfect statement piece but it is also multifunctional. You can detach the bottom half using it for a choker and OTTO cuff. 

Anyway I am super excited for the temperatures to get cooler, knits to come out and to experience my second winter for the year. 

jasmine x