Ever get to that time on Sunday when you realise you're not quite ready for the week ahead but have no idea what you've done for the last two days? I have built my own little weekend ritual that restores me from the week gone and prepares me for the week ahead. It doesn't have to take hours out of your weekend if you already have your calendar packed but these few little rituals make all the difference come Monday. 


First up, Seeking Inspiration.

Where & how do you normally fuel your creativity? Is it going on an adventure, reading a good book, listening to music? Do at least one of those across the weekend. My favourite way to seek inspiration is to sit in the winter sun, turn on some music and sit down with magazines to tear up & a cup of coffee. 

This weekend I have been testing out Nespresso's new Master Origin Range. This range explores the coffee craftsmanship of six countries to create truly unique, single origin coffees. For example India harnesses the power of the wet monsoon winds on India’s Malabar coasts to age the local Robusta beans. It has intense, slightly spicy notes & is best suited if you enjoy your coffee as an espresso or lungo. 

If you like something less intense with notes of wine & berries, you might prefer to try Colombia. It is less intense but evokes the taste of fruit & wine after being left on the branch much longer before roasting. This one is definitely a stand out for me from the range. I normally go towards coffees with notes of cereal so Colombia is different but a change I am very happy about. 



Build your own self care ritual. Put on your favourite candles or incense and do whatever makes you feel recovered and ready to take on a new week. Some things I love to do to take care of myself physically & mentally are: Write in a journal, do my favourite of my face masks & hair masks, Spring clean my wardrobe, go to the flower markets. But you could also do some meditation, do whatever exercise is your favourite, run a long bath or binge your favourite tv show and eat pizza. You do you. 


We all know that feeling of mania on a Monday morning when you have been avoiding responsibility all weekend. I try to avoid that feeling by just tackling a few little tasks before Monday rolls around again. For me, writing my to-do's for the week ahead, writing down any habits that I would like to stick to & organising my finances for the week ahead always helps. That way you can start your week fresh with clear intention. 

Do you have a weekend ritual and if so, let me know yours in the comments below!

This post was created in collaboration with Nespresso, jasmine x