Shot by Michael John Hughes

Feels So Good Tank by The Fifth Label
Gada Skirt by Alpha 60 (on sale)

This weekend marks 5 months since Michael & I moved into our little home. As we cross our fingers and toes that the owners will keep leasing the house (and we won't have to go through hell again to find someplace new), I realised we had never really shot an blog post in it. We are both so picky about how we surround ourselves that finding the perfect rental was a nightmare to say the least. We needed double the space of a normal couple because I needed a studio &  I needed somewhere that I could be in all day, every day without feeling like I am shut away. As much as I think everyone loves the idea of working from home I have realised it definitely comes with its pretty harsh truths. 

Truth 1
You're technically always "at work" and "able to work" 

Truth 2
You may not see another human all week if it is not for the couriers/post. This can sometimes be super lonely. 

Truth 3
You have to be very self motivated and disciplined. You have all the distractions in the world around you at all times and there is no one telling you that you have to be working.

But I love our little home.. it isn't sterile and new, it has super weird features like a pastel pink separate powder room and possibly the oldest gas stove I have ever used. Its outdoor spaces mean I never feel cramped inside and the postmen in this neighbourhood are super nice (what a bonus!) So let's all cross our fingers and hope we can call this home for another year. 


jasmine x