No. 1 

Your individuality is your best asset.
This is something I think you would have heard growing up but you never listened to. The rise of the internet has meant we are able to see that you don't have to be like everyone else and there are so many different types of people outside of your school yard. As much as you wish you were like the current it-girl or boy, the truth is that you are not them. You are you, and only by being yourself and growing as a person are you able to be truly happy as corny as that sounds.

No. 2

What they think is none of your business.
Maybe I am still learning this one but none the less I wanted to include it. Other's opinions of you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with that person. Remember that. 

No. 3

Stop wasting time on things that don't bring you joy or growth.
I think this kicks in after highschool when you start drifting away from your original friend groups and meeting new people. You start to notice who/what doesn't bring you joy, or make you grow. It sounds selfish but why waste your time on those things or people? I wish I could cut things like dishes, washing clothes and groceries out in this list but unfortunately I still need to waste my time on those things to live.

No. 4

Say yes then freak out later.
As you hit your 20s there will be things that scare the shit out of you. You don't know how to handle it or what you are meant to say or do. For me this mostly comes into play in work situations but my advice would be to say yes and freak out later. The truth is, you will either figure it out or your mistakes will make you figure it out. And if all fails, you will wake up tomorrow to a new day. 

No. 5

It is not glamorous to be burnt out.
Contrary to the hundreds of posts about the late night hustle, 1000 unread emails, no rest for the wicked, it isn't to be glamorised. With anything important in life there is always going to be sacrifice but that shouldn't be your well-being. I have learnt that things can wait, I can say no and sleep is actually important. That doesn't make me any less successful and the suffering doesn't equal creativity. 

No. 6

Flowers make everything better.
I think if I had a life motto it would be .. Just add flowers. Just trust me on this one.

I would love to know how old you are & what are some of the biggest things you have learnt so far in the comments. 

jasmine x

No. 7

No one actually knows what they are doing.
I once asked my grandma if she felt her age, with the curiosity of when do you actually feel like you have graduated into being an adult? Sure you have glimpses of it when you have to take yourself to the doctor when you're sick, but at 18 I thought I would have everything sorted by the time I was 25. How wrong was I? 

No. 8

Skin first, make up second.
Going into your mid twenties you realise that your skin may not be what it used to be. The instinct is to add more makeup but instead you should be focusing on your skin. The Clinique Smart Range tackles multiple skin concerns in each product. If you are worried about two or more of the following; Lines/Wrinkles, Elasticity, Radiance or Skin Tone this range might be the one for you. The range includes both a day and night Repair Moisturiser & Repair Serum. 

No. 9

The least impressive thing you can be is pretty.
Sure we all love to feel pretty but growing up I felt there was so much pressure (mostly personal) to look a certain way. The inner monologue was dangerous. Then one day it clicked. Why do I put so much pressure on myself to look a certain way when I would much rather a compliment on my personality or work than on my looks anyway. We should rather spend our time thinking about if we are nice/kind/smart people or if we are passionate about our work/hobbies than watching what we eat so that we can wear mum jeans without them looking like skinnies. 

No. 10

All you lose is time & face.
So don't worry about the small stuff. Time heals all wounds & emotions are temporary. No matter the shitty situation that is going on at this moment, it won't last and you just have to get through it. 

This post was created in collaboration with Clinique Australia.